We use categories on Music Industrapedia to organise our lists our content hierarchies and unique features.
This is important for for things like:
- Identifying what country a music artist or member is based in (so people can find them)
- What level of development a Music Artist is at (e.g. Joes Local band goes in 'local-artists-america:Joes Local Band' and not music-artists-global:Joes Local Band'
- Putting music industry firms in their right product /service category so they can be found (e.g. EMI Music Publishing goes in 'music-publisher-uk:EMI Publishing' and not 'music-artists-japan:EMI Publishing'
- Allows special permissions features and protects new and existing work you've done.
How It Works
Example (A)
If you visit this link…
… you will notice that use of a category name preceding the music artists name with a colon separating them. In this case the category name is 'music-artists-brazil:' and the content name (music artists name) is 'Sepultura'
This is an example of category name combined with a content name
The way this page was created was by tyoing the following name into the ADD A NEW PAGE box…
…Which gave us the option to create a new page which we then saved and then added more code to over time for it to become the page that it has.
Example (B)
Check out this link…
… in this link (above) we can see the category "record-co-labels-america:" and the content Name "Columbia Records America"
The way this page was created was by tyoing the following name into the ADD A NEW PAGE box…
record-co-labels-america:Columbia Records America
…Which gave us the option to create a new page which we then saved and then added more code to over time for it to become the page that it has.
PLEASE NOTE: If you create a page and forget to include its category, dont worry as we (as admin) can easilly correct this. All you need to do, is to send us an email message to moc.liamg|skrowten.edlo.ey#moc.liamg|skrowten.edlo.ey with 'CATEGORY FIX' in the subject line and an explanation of what it should be in the body of the message as well as the URL of the page you created. (e.g. http://ye-olde-music-industrapedia.wikidot.com/blue-oyster-cult should be http://ye-olde-music-industrapedia.wikidot.com/music-artists-america:blue-oyster-cult)
List of Categories
Music Artists (America Example)
- 'music-artists-america:Major Music Artists' (example: 'music-artists-america:Bruce Springteen')
- 'local-artists-america:Local Music Artists' (example: 'local-artists-america:Joes Local Band')
- 'other-artists-america:Other Music Artists' (example: 'other-artists-america:West Point Military Band')
- 'orchestra-ensembles-americal: Orchestras & Ensembles (example: 'orchestra-ensembles-america:Boston Symphony Orchestra')
Please Note: When creating 'new pages' on Music Industrapedia (see box on the lower left hand side called 'ADD A NEW PAGE' - you may need to scroll down to see this) please type in the above category names and artist name separated by a colon in the ADD A NEW PAGE section but please leave out the ' on the front and the ' on the end.