Hi there
On this page we will look a what key features makes up each category on 'Music Industrapedia' and why we have them. But first let's have a look at our Key Feature Category pages for our site (that's Music Industrapedia "feature categories" as opposed to Wikidot's structural "categories")
- Music Encyclopedia Pages
- Member Profile Pages
- Music Artists / Outfit Pages
- Organisational Pages: Such as Music Genres, Music Blogs,
- General Listed Pages - This includes a number of different category pages (see list below).
- Directory Pages - This includes a page on a particular music industry person, organisation and / or entity.
- Backend Pages - Information / Instructional Help Pages etc
Music Encyclopedia Pages on Music Industrapedia can be on any topic relating to music or the music industry in general or even about a specific section of the industry discussing the What, Where, How, Who and /or When of something about music or the music industry. Music Encyclopedia pages are general in nature but can include links to specific people or organisation form our directory page or from Wikipedia.
This is the page that you set up for yourself after we have established some essential details to inform other people on our site of who you are as a member and what your relationship is to the global music industry (if any) even if your just a music fan. In the future we plan to have to have our member profile pages offering similar personal profile building features that you would find on soicla media sites like Facebook and My Space. In the meantime please write up your interests in accordance with our Guide to Creating Member Profile on Industrapedia.
Music Artist / Outfit pages can range from a very basic wiki entry of a few words to acknolwedge the existence of a particular music artist or outfit, right through to an elaborate cross linked and highly detailed career/legacy pages for Music Artists and Outfits. Music Artist / Outfit pages have a historic perspective and are not designed to just be about the current state of existence for an artist and in fact favours a historical view of the music artist or outfits in relation to music and the global music industry across all time.
This includes the following sub-section list pages…
- 1. Member Profiles - Overview
- 2. Music Artists - Global Outlook
- 3. Music Businesses & Organisations
- 4. Industry People - Global Outlook
- 5. Music Media - Global Outlook
- 6. Music Retail - Global Outlook
- 7. Record Companies - Global Outlook
- 8. Music Equipment Industry - Global Outlook
- 9. Music Booking Agencies - Global Outlook
- 10. Music Venues - Global Outlook
- 11. Recording Studios - Global Outlook
- 12. Music Management - Global Outlook
- 13. Music Publicists - Global Outlook
- 14. Music Promoters - Global Outlook
- 15. Music Producers - Global Outlook
- 16. Music Publishing - Global Outlook
- 17. Screen Music - Global Outlook
- 18. Support Services - Global Outlook
- 19. Music Product - Global Outlook
- 20. Classical Music Industry - Global Outlook
- 21. Musical Theatre Industry - Global Outlook
- 22. Songwriters & Composers - Global Outlook
- 23. Music Education Industry - Global Outlook
- 24. Music Industry Associations - Global Outlook
- 25. Festivals & Events - Global Outlook
- 26. Information Services - Global Outlook
- 27. Live Production Industry
- 28. Road Crew / Roadies
- 29. Music Communities
- 30. All Other Categories
Please Note: The listed pages above will always be represented in the following order with the same category number no matter what Territory listing you are looking at in the world (E.g. Music Publicists will always be No. 13 on our lists whether you visit our American Music Industry directory pages or our Zambian Music Industry directory page).
See Also: How-we-organise-and-categorise-our-list-entries page on Music Industrapedia
Our 'rationale' for the above categories is based on a number of factors, which include the need for 'industry sub categorisation', 'work consistency of roles' within the music industry and 'utility' (what information is likely to be accessed often by members and the general public who visit the site after it is publically launched ).
The structure of the site is unapoligetically and primarilly geared towards the 'recorded music industry' aspect of the industry, then secondly towards the 'live music industry' and then towards other music industry sectors such as the 'music equipment industry' and the music 'education industry'.
If a category is not included in the above list of 30 it is likely to be included elsewhere perhaps under Music Industry Support Services (e.g. Music Lawyers, Music Event Caterers or Music Hand Bill / Poster placement services).
In the case of representing the music artists of most music genres we have included them under the 'Music Artists / Outfits' section but we have gone a step further with Classical Music and provided a sub industry section to capture and better represent the complexity and unique needs of this sub sector.
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